Friday, February 4, 2011

Going Against the Grain

In my Introduction to Technical Theatre and Desgin class, my professor Mr. Thomasson said “You are a speck on a grain of sand on the beach of time. You are a speck. You are nothing, but at the same time you are everything.” He then when on and told us that as specks we can combine ideas with other specks and grow to become grains that could possibly affect the entire beach.

While reading “Going Against the Grain” I thought about his metaphor and related it those who wanted to teach the slaves to read. The Revered Samuel Thomas, The Reverend Doctor Thomas Bray and Elias Neau were some of the first to “go against the grain” and begin to advocate for Blacks to be educated. These men left their homes in England and traveled to the new world to set up schools to teach Blacks and other minorities to read.

Rev. Thomas, Rev. Dr, Bray and Mr. Neau were specks who got together to form a grain that would help increase literacy in Blacks. These men knew that what they were going against the status quo by teaching Blacks to read but they did not care. They felt that everyone should be literate. These men left their homes in England and traveled to America, spread out and went to major cities to educate Blacks. Because of their initiative over 1000 Blacks were taught how to read and write.

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