In “Dysfunctional Litereacies of Exclusion: An Exploration of the Burdens of Literacy in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions,” Mandi Chikombero discusses two types of literacy. The two types of literacies that he discusses are traditional literacy and colonial/modern literacy. Chikombero uses the characters in Nervous Conditions as examples. The examples that he gives elaborates on the backgrounds of most African Americans. The chapter explains that traditional literacy is the foundation for colonial literacy because it begins in the home. He proves that in most cases traditional literacy has a lot to do with race and gender. In the Black race, most men are seen to have modern literacy. If you are a female that is literate, it is hard for you to display your knowledge without criticism. Through the quote, “Literature…is a reflection of society” (p. 150), he says that he is describing the society in which we live today. I completely agree with him on his observations and examples.